Wednesday 7 September 2016

Here begins the Way

Our first full day in Lisbon was wonderful but had not revealed much in the way of evidence of the Camino. Towards the evening, however, we struck gold just near where we are staying. As we wondered looking for somewhere to eat we came across Rua de Santiago.

And then this... Our first yellow arrow...

And then this... 

We felt like the early explorers tracing a river back to its source.

Vasco da Garma, eat your heart out. We found it!!

And today we managed to get our credentials at the church of the Martyrs. I hope that isn't a sign of things to come.

What a delight to begin to get to know the winding and steep ruas of this captivating city. 

Sarah had her photo taken in front of this fountain 25 years ago, exactly half her lifetime!

All the cranes suggest some major renewal going on here.

More tiles.

And, a few intimate and homely shots...

A beautiful facade.

Apparently, Portugal is noted for its good looking men!!

And, since we're now sick of him, I'll let Sarah take up the story...

In search of my lost hat (here the way begins, indeed!)

Maybe you've had the experience of being in an idyllic place in not quite the way you want? I've been loving our time here but also conscious of not yet fully being in the experience, as if I haven't quite let go into it. I've been having trouble sleeping and last night was conscious of being a bit wound up and uptight, and frustrated with myself for being so. Maybe it's to do with busyness before we left, or some anxiety about the way ahead - for whatever reason not just simply here. So I wanted today to be a bit gentle about that and to begin to enter a more trusting and listening space, as I hope to be on our walk. 

Resolutions of calm duly made, I then discovered that I'd left my hat somewhere yesterday, an essential piece of Camino equipment lost! But it turned out to be a lovely small gift, because as we approached the day gently, wanting to let it show us our way, we were able both to retrace our steps  and discover new corners of the city. I felt myself starting to relearn the subtle art of responsive way faring. And we found my hat, safely tucked behind the counter of the unpretentious local pastelaria we had visited late yesterday!! So in celebration I composed this festal ode (ahem).

In search of my lost hat I
Let the way unfold
Beneath newly trusting feet

We've so appreciated the comments many of you have left - thank you so much for your interest and words of encouragement. Tomorrow we set out along the river Tagus, a short warm up stage to a youth hostel on the outskirts of Lisbon.

Sarah and Neil


  1. Tansi! (That's Cree for hello--my first Cree class is tonight)

    I'm glad you found your hat, Sarah. How surprising that it was still there in the pasteleria! Is that a bakery that sells custard tarts? I would've had one to celebrate the recovery, but then again I'd be sick of custard tarts before I got to Porto.

    I'd have so much anxiety about finding the first steps on the path. What a feeling to discover the first signs of the walk to come. I'm assuming that you begin walking tomorrow? Thanks for taking the rest of us along with you.

    Bom Caminho!


  2. Sarah, no matte how often I depart home and arrive to begin a Camino I always experience some level of anxiety. Never fails. Something I try to do is to ignore my outer thoughts, those nervous things that get in the way. I look to my inner calm and some how I always seem to find it as I set off. I know that you will each find this as you take your first steps on what will be a wonderful Caminho. Walk softly, let your minds go where they will dos peregrinos. Safe travels. Geoff

  3. Ah, the journey of 610 (and then another leg) begins with the first yellow arrow!
