Wednesday 26 October 2016


So we came at last to the big birthday and we had a wonderful time! When we woke, the morning light was shining through the clouds over the roofs of Le Puy, and though the rain threatened it remained mild and dry.

The celebrations began at breakfast when Amir, our host, produced a delicious hazelnut and chocolate cake. 'It is good to start the day with chocolate', he said - and so we did!

The cake was shared with all the guests at breakfast, who wished Sarah 'bonne anniversaire'!!

From here, we walked up to the cathedral to meditate and light a candle in thanksgiving and anticipation for the season ahead. 

Later in the morning, we spent some time ambling through the old town with Anne and Gerald.

Always we see something new - there are so many little details in the streets and lanes of this city, including this painted corner piece of an otherwise fairly plain building.

Sally, you'll remember this - Le Petit Train! It seems to have the same warbling woman on commentary as last year!

Once again, we were all hosted for a picnic lunch in Pauline and David's camper. Pauline had brought a birthday cake from Jersey, complete with an enormous flaming candle whose safety instructions were so intimidating we decided we'd better light it outside, standing safely at a distance.

Fortunately, no one was injured during ignition!

After lunch, we walked back up to the cathedral to have our credentials stamped and for a final time of reflection, before hitting the shops to slightly refurbish our well-worn pilgrim wardrobes in order to look half-decent for the celebratory dinner we had planned for the evening. We had some fun and really helpful interactions with shopkeepers, which resulted in Sarah having red shoes, yellow tights and a beautiful dress to wear - because if you can't wear red shoes on your 50th, when can you??! They also reminded us of Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, setting off on her pilgrimage home - which would be her next adventure.

The dinner itself was in a quaint old building in Rue Raphael, just a few doors up from where we have been staying. 

Again it was a fun night, where Sarah was asked to share what she was doing at each previous decade birthday and this inevitably led to a few sidetrack stories! For this delightful evening, and for the past few, we are very grateful to Gerald and Anne who have so generously footed the bill. It's been touching and encouraging for us to have been supported and spoilt by them in so many ways.

Le Puy at night is bathed in warm street light and is just as entrancing as it is by day.

The cathedral is stunning.

Returning to our room after dinner we were very conscious that our time here was drawing to a close. It has been a wonderful experience and we have turned to wonder many times along the way. We received a blessing when we departed and we truly have been blessed. As we return home to begin a new season may the blessing continue to work it way out in our lives, and especially, on this day, in Sarah's life. She's wearing red shoes folks, she's hitting her straps, and that's an exciting prospect!!


  1. Well if there were no purple shoes to be had, red is the next best thing! Delighted to see the beginning of a colourful year...decade...second half-century! And yellow tights require bravery, so that is promising too! So glad you celebrated with such style and joy!

  2. A two-cake day? Wow. Belated happy birthday!

