Monday 11 June 2018

37. A Gudiña

Here comes the sun... Here comes the sun and I say, it’s alright...

Yes, dear reader, there was a break in the rain today and the sun shone! And the morning light in the forest was stunning.

Today’s stage provided all that yesterday’s promised but did not really deliver, including an extended ascent!!

Of course, there was still plenty of water and mud about. Dry feet were never an option, despite the occasional stretch of granite stepping stones.

For the first hour or so I climbed a beautiful mountain path, which sometimes was more of a creek than a path - lots of stone hoping.

Eventually I reached the pass - the true border to Galicia. After 900+kilometres of walking, I am in the final region of this camino, though still a way to go, even to Santiago.

There was some rain, after all, this is Galicia, but it was SUNNY rain!

The latter part of the stage opened out a little and resembled some of the high country in Australia - scrubby and strewn with granite boulders.

And, all along the path, there were wonderful bridges...

and interesting arrows...

and even an occasional interested cow - how’s the hairdo!!

The stage felt longer than it actually was, probably because there was so much climbing, but I arrived in good time and the sky was still blue so I took the opportunity to wash some of the stuff I’ve been wearing since the beginning. Yes, folks, this peregrino might even smell okay for a couple of days... unless it rains again, in which case, I’m stuffed!! 

A few final shots. 

Today’s feature door.

Some classic Galician stone steps.

And, another interesting wayside cross - note the ladder.

Buen Camino amigos and thanks for following along,

PS. It’s raining again. The Galician drought is broken!!


  1. "It seems like years since its be clear . . . "
    Now that you are over the high pass into Galicia , it's downhill all the way to Santiago (well mostly downhill). I checked the weather. The forecast is clearing, fine and sunny for the next five days. So it seems

    "It's alright . . ."

  2. Lovely bridge photos for you collection...they look like they could tell a few stories and inspire some.
    Good to see you began your day greeting (and photographing) your shadow!

    1. Yes, just think what we could do with all these bridge photos - surely we can put a set of cards together for Kalchino!

  3. Beautiful photos. Congratulations on being able to do laundry! Always hard in Galicia.

    ¡Buen Camino!


    1. And amazingly, I got it dry too - thanks to a bit of help from a heater in the albergue!! It was freezing last night so they put it on (so much for summer).

  4. Stunning pictures these last days. I like the collection of doors that you are building up. That one of the rainbow was gorgeous. We are also experiencing some much needed rain here in Canberra. Set out at 7 for my morning walk with simply grey skies which soon developed into rain so had a little experience of what you have had - though I was on a footpath and no mud!!! But as the little fellow at the bus stop one day said "Mum it is only water". How true and I am dried off now. You will be hitting the thousand k mark this week!!! That is amazing. Continued happy walking.

    1. And as Karina reminded me, Helen, some people walk in the rain and some people just get wet! Sounds like you had a nice walk. I am too, though a little longer! Getting close to 1000k, I think. My shoes certainly look like they have covered a few kms! Blessings, Neil

  5. Oh beautiful cow!

    What is the phonetic spelling of albergue?

    1. Not good with phonetics, sorry. Could have a go face to face.

  6. The thing about these wonderful doors is that they are all shut. Will the camino open any doors?
    An idle toying with ideas, the photos are fabulous.

    1. I’m hoping so, Charles, though what will be behind them is still a mystery!!

  7. What a great stage. Are you under 200 to go. You're ripping it. I'd love to be on Galicia with you but in have to say i'm enjoying being in New York with Stella. She got here just night.

    1. Glad to hear you made it to NY. Galicia is great. You’d have loved some of this country and what it holds. Ahbe next time!
