Wednesday 2 May 2018


Today was a day of getting acclimatised. After a good sleep, I wondered out to explore my surrounds. I discovered I am staying bout 50 metres from the cathedral where my Camino officially begins. I have worked out the direction I head to begin the walk but have seen no arrows or signs of pilgrimage.

This guy seemed happy in his bath watching the passers by. I notice he is cleaning his feet, though, perhaps he walked here to begin.

Valencia has an old walled centre as far as I can tell. The buildings are all 5 to 8 stories high and this central section is a maze of lanes and plazas. As I wandered I came across this march. It is a kind of holiday in Valencia today and I think these people were protesting the selling off of public assets.

Now there’s a cool bridge.

Here’s the road I will walk down to begin. Can anyone see an arrow?

I’ll include a few other shots to give a feel for this wonderful old town.

I guess it wouldn’t be Valencia without oranges.

That’s the front of the cathedral where I will begin walking.

Fountains of life.

Not a bad entrance tower.

I’ve spent a lot of the day trying to find an outdoor adventure shop to get some final pieces of gear.  No success because of the public holiday. I did manage to get a beautiful simple meal in a local cafe. What a privilege it is to be here. 


  1. I'm going to try to comment although Blogger has not been cooperating with me lately!

    May Day! No wonder nothing was open. Our Labour Day is in September. There must be one in Australia, too. I hope you get the gear you need today, before you set off. I hope you get one of those delicious-looking oranges, too.

    Thanks for taking us along on your journey. I know how much time and effort it takes to blog after walking 30 km in the sun.



  2. Magnificent pictures thanks Neil. Almost seem to be there with you. I loved the bubbling fountains. The water was so fresh and crisp looking.
